Malte Kliemann
Malte Kliemann
I don't really see how users have much control over the keys here.
#683 demonstrates that our testing happens in a vacuum. We should add a test which (at the very least) verifies that the node is capable of producing blocks and responds...
On a market with `simple_disputes` as DRM, I can ping-pong disputes back and forth until `MaxDisputes` is reached. But then, instead of creating a global dispute, the market just resolves...
For example, `pool_join_with_exact_pool_amount` is missing.
In certain situations we need to make assumptions on the availability of funds. For example, when slashing the `AdvisoryBond` when rejecting an advised market, we make the assumption that the...
Currently, `admin_destroy_market` only works on markets with scoring rule `ScoringRule::CPMM`. Before we activate Rikiddo, this must be fixed. The required steps have already been identified: - -
Regarding `account_id()`, the treasury pallet's documentation says the following about `into_sub_account`: > This actually does computation. If you need to keep using it, then make sure you cache the value...
The `now()` method of `MarketCommonsPalletApi` is used by `prediction-markets` to check for ending times of markets. Is there a reason why we refer to the `market-commons` pallet for the time,...
Resources for state transitions are limited. How many should be allowed per block?