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Code for Online Flocking Control of UAVs with Mean-Field Approximation [ICRA 2021]

Online Flocking Control of UAVs with Mean-Field Approximation [ICRA 2021]

This repository contains the code for the ICRA-2021 publication titled "Online Flocking Control of UAVs with Mean-Field Approximation".

Cover Image
A swarm of 8 quadrotors demostrating flocking behavior.

Install dependencies

Please install Eigen, Armadillo and GNU Science Library (GSL) before you continue.

Building the simulator

This uses a modified version of the Mavswarm simulator. Check for the latest version.

Clone the mean_field_flocking repository to your catkin workspace. i.e: (~/catkin_ws/src/).

git clone

Use catkin build to build the packages as below.

catkin build mrf_dynamics

Run the simulation by launching the mrf_dynamics/launch/mrf.launch file. This will create open up a Rviz window and simulate 8 Crazyflie quadrotors in flocking motion.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mrf_dynamics mrf.launch

Consider citiing our work if you find this code helpful for your publications.

  author={Fernando, Malintha},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, 
  title={Online Flocking Control of UAVs with Mean-Field Approximation}, 