Hi, thanks very much for this feature. But I think it doesn't work. I have configuration: ``` Bridge rflink:bridge:usb0 "RFLink Gateway" @ "rfLink" [ serialPort="/dev/ttyACM0", baudRate=57600, disableDiscovery=true ] ``` After...
Hi, from time to time I have power outage. After that I have to restart openhab, because HEOS doesn't work. Is there any possibility to write some sort of reconnection/checking...
Hi, I have two HEOS One connected to network using cable (not WIFI). I have configuration of HEOS through files: ``` Bridge heos:bridge:2159aebc-1cdc-2c29-3139-1f6d9c5f8669 "HEOS Bridge: Matylda" @ "HEOS" [ name="HEOS...