org.openhab.binding.heos copied to clipboard
Connection to HEOS Network lost!
I have two HEOS One connected to network using cable (not WIFI).
I have configuration of HEOS through files:
Bridge heos:bridge:2159aebc-1cdc-2c29-3139-1f6d9c5f8669 "HEOS Bridge: Matylda" @ "HEOS" [ name="HEOS Bridge Matylda", ipAddress="", userName="username", password="secret", heartBeat=60]
Bridge heos:bridge:c4c3c1e7-2875-f458-24b5-75b691e7b149 "HEOS Bridge: Marta" @ "HEOS" [ name="HEOS Bridge Marta", ipAddress="", userName="username", password="secret", heartBeat=60]
Thing heos:player:1013171437 "HEOS 1: Matylda" @ "HEOS" [ pid="1013171437", type="Player", name="Matylda" , ipAddress="" ]
Thing heos:player:-104736039 "HEOS 1: Marta" @ "HEOS" [ pid="-104736039", type="Player", name="Marta" , ipAddress="" ]
Thing heos:group:1368813261 "HEOS 1: Matylda + Marta" @ "HEOS" [ gid="1013171437", name="Matylda + Marta", ipAddress="", type="Group", memberHash="1368813261" ]
Thing heos:group:3724010187 "HEOS 1: Marta + Matylda" @ "HEOS" [ gid="-104736039", name="Marta + Matylda", ipAddress="", type="Group", memberHash="3724010187" ]
And I have something like this in openhab.log every one minute:
==> /opt/openhab/userdata/logs/openhab.log <==
2019-01-14 22:50:36.681 [DEBUG] [binding.heos.internal.api.HeosSystem] - Sending Heos Heart Beat
2019-01-14 22:50:36.681 [WARN ] [binding.heos.internal.api.HeosSystem] - Connection to HEOS Network lost!
2019-01-14 22:50:36.681 [INFO ] [binding.heos.internal.api.HeosSystem] - Shutting down HEOS Heart Beat
2019-01-14 22:50:36.681 [INFO ] [binding.heos.internal.api.HeosSystem] - Stopping HEOS event line listener
2019-01-14 22:50:36.681 [INFO ] [binding.heos.internal.api.HeosSystem] - Reconnecting to Bridge with IP @ port `1255`
Can anybody help?
Using openhab 2.3.0 from docker.