For someone who need correct solution for Arduino 👍 Just use 1 line of my code instead this repository :) void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { signed int...
Has same problem and fixed by this trick :) It's just demo how to CUT 0x8..... (**do not use it in another situations**) Sender side: ``` packet.can_id = 0x12345678 |...
> I've come across a solution for utilizing the Masks and Filters in the MCP2515 Library. This was through the help of Dr. Dogan Ibahim as I have his book...
I will share also code snipped for extended id: ``` mcp2515.reset(); mcp2515.setBitrate(CAN_250KBPS, MCP_8MHZ); mcp2515.setConfigMode(); // Set both masks to check all 29 bits (0x1FFFFFFF) mcp2515.setFilterMask(MCP2515::MASK0, true, 0x1FFFFFFF); mcp2515.setFilterMask(MCP2515::MASK1, true, 0x1FFFFFFF);...
Your serial port doesn't print correctly results.
I has same issues when i'm try to use serial print to display results. Use some buffer for collect your data and later print/display it. Also, use some delays between...