arduino-mcp2515 copied to clipboard
How to send / Received extended Frame
I have two Arduino with a MCP2515 module on each. I installed your library and ran your CAN_write code on one, and your CAN_read code on the other. I did these changes in the code, to send the extended frame : canMsg2.can_id = 0x18DAF41F | CAN_EFF_FLAG; mcp2515.sendMessage(MCP2515::TXB1, &canMsg2); The sender transmits the message with canMsg2.can_id = 0x18DAF41F, But de read receives the message with canMsg2.can_id = 98DAF41F Could you help me to solve this problem?
Has same problem and fixed by this trick :) It's just demo how to CUT 0x8..... (do not use it in another situations)
Sender side:
packet.can_id = 0x12345678 | CAN_EFF_FLAG;
packet.can_dlc = 6;
Reciever side:
canid_t can_id = canMsg.can_id;
can_id = can_id & (~CAN_EFF_FLAG);