Has this issue been resolved? I also encountered the same problem
thank you for your reply No, I used the example inline_current_sense_test.ino directly, and only modified A0 and A2 to become my current pins ` #include InlineCurrentSense current_sense = InlineCurrentSense(0.01f, 50.0f,...
> @mailonghua We still have to test it, haven't had time yet. I will post updates when we find out more I think I have located this problem. This is...
> > @mailonghua We still have to test it, haven't had time yet. I will post updates when we find out more > > I think I have located this...
> > > > @mailonghua We still have to test it, haven't had time yet. I will post updates when we find out more > > > > > >...
I encountered the same issue and also tried #346, but it didn't resolve the current problem. I am still waiting for the completion of ADC2. I am currently using the...
I discovered that in addition to resolving bug #346, if I use analogRead to read the sensor pin before sensor initialization, and then proceed with the initialization, blocking issues do...
> > torqueRatio:电机的转矩比例系数,用于计算电压=扭矩/比例系数,每个电机型号都不一样,需要查datasheet获取 > > > > > > > > > 有伙伴吗清楚吗?帮忙解答一下 > > > > 这个是al回答的,话说你做到哪一步了啊可以指导一下我吗 目前是在重新设计轮足,包含硬件、软件、结构,目前还在调试电机驱动,随时交流
> > 使用扭矩测量仪得到了不同电压下的堵转扭矩吗? > > 我用缠线+拉力计的简易方法测的,能有专用设备的话当然更好 1.电机厂家参数中提供了一个最大的扭矩,这个参数与堵转扭矩有什么关系,可以直接使用吗?除了上面提到方法还有其他的方式吗? 2.另外作者有没有考虑使用电流闭环,当前应该是使用了电压环路控制,两者你有什么建议吗