Mahmoud Hashemi
Mahmoud Hashemi
Hmm, having more trouble reproducing this as your user. Just checking at the console (mostly a note to my future self): ``` >>> session.query(Vote).options(joinedload('round_entry')).filter(Vote.user_id == 409, Vote.round_entry.has(round_id=105), Vote.status == COMPLETED_STATUS).order_by(Vote.modified_date.desc()).limit(15).offset(7).all()...
Ah, remove the `offset=4` from that URL and it'll likely work. I wonder if the frontend is generating the wrong URL in some cases.
I should add that it's not just about provenance, but multiple sources for a particular round. The default flow will remain category-then-rounds, and we want to support adding in missed...
Hmm, that doesn't sound good, thanks for reporting. Now, Firefox is my primary browser, and I'm seeing Montage work fine, I just checked here: I expect it to work...
I noticed some pictures coming up multiple times for me as well. I had associated it with the spotty internet connection I was using. I can re-check that more than...
Speaking of plain language, I'd clarify "in plain language" to say "in units appropriate for the round". I'm a bit skeptical of how much clarity this will add, because quorum...
Hey @bodhisattwawiki thanks for the request! Is EXIF metadata often required for eligibility in WL* contests? If you could provide a link to a contest that documents that requirement, I'd...
That's a new one for me! @slaporte have you seen this one before? I confirm I see this for `/v1/admin/round/379/edit`, and appears to be a result of more than one...
Here are some flag reasons for a radio button list, with an Other + write-in box. * Low image quality (blurry or corrupted) * Inappropriate or offensive content * Suspected...
This is kind of a tough one. It would be a big latency hit and a lot of API traffic to check every time we serve up an image. Maybe...