Mark Hinshaw
Mark Hinshaw
It might be better to use `"$__CFBundleIdentifier" != com.jetbrains.*`. This allows for all the tools under the jetbrains domain to load without starting tmux.
Looks like you are writing back into a file. I will take a look at what we have for writing to files and see where it fits.
@metasoarous Looking at `spit-csv` in transducers, we basically have the above, plus more. The main difference is there is a lazy sequence, which is built from a transducer, that is...
@metasoarous - I am starting to work/think on this. With regards to primitive type - are you ok will defaulting to using `long` for integers, and `double` for all floating...
I am planning on using regular expressions to test to values. It might suffice to have a collection of maps like `'({:re #"^\d+$" :cast-fn 'semantic-csv.core/->long} ...)`, which could be updated...
Prioritizing casting is currently something I am trying to decide on. It may be that there is a collection of maps with key value pairs, containing a name, regex, and...
That all makes sense. I totally agree with the differentiation between representation and abstraction. I have been thinking about this recently (because I have had little time to work on...
One of the tricks for this is going to deal with var resolution. Cljs does not have a `resolve` function. However, `cljs.analyzer.api` does have a resolve. But it returns an...
Take a look at the [:transform-header]( option to `mappify`. It will apply a function to all the values in the headers vector. By default it applies `keyword`. You could apply...
[Indeed it does]( This is a failure of the documentation I believe. The transducer implementation accepts `:transform-header` and the core implementation delegates to the transducer implementation.