Nat McCully
Nat McCully
When native apps have issues with IME it is usually because they are not passing the key events to the IME to be processed before they do their own processing....
I don't think there is a common-enough "CJK" to do so -- the more we get into "correct" behaviors, the more Japanese seems to need independence from the other more...
Talking to Ned from Apple, he says their algorithm is quite involved, and allows for both compression and expansion of the default spacing, and some spacing will take the glyph...
It may be the proposal strayed from where I hoped it would land, but my hope is if you can define a VS with the missing SJIS width, spacing class,...
In my opinion, the spacing added between characters for Japanese line layout rules are not equivalent to the space character, which is a word separator for Latin but not normally...
I think of adding space characters for J-Latin spacing to be similar to adding 2 spaces after a period. This kind of text is good for plain text and primitive...
Aside from adding new code points to address this and other CJK issues with Unicode, we may need to propose a comprehensive font solution for this issue (there are already...
a figure for this would be useful, since phototypesetting 斜体 is a distinct combination of scale, rotate and skew/shear to mimic the angled lens distortion while preserving the escapement and...
The design space of the font, defined in UPM, has been equivalent to the CJK embox (the design space used for ideographs, etc) in the case of square fonts. It...
This means that the UPM design space (normally the same height as the point size of the font) can differ from the CJK embox (c.f. some squat-looking Chinese fonts, or...