clreq copied to clipboard
- 传统的中文正文排版也不用(机械式)斜体,装饰性标题、地图等除外。
- 相对于要表示强调,可以用其他方式,比如加粗、换字体或者着重号等方式
- 如果处于风格表现一定要斜体,注意不能与前后文字重叠。
文档插入位置: 目前文档的 2.2.1 解释宋黑仿楷,所以应该把 2.2.2 至 2.2.5 改为 2.2.1 下一级的 至;然后上述斜体的论述可以作为新的 2.2.2
I discussed this issue with @r12a and he suggested we add a figure for this.
中文有沒有意大利體是定義問題。在平面設計的角度,意大利體是有手體書法(cursive)的 「行氣」(flow)但不是書法體,中文的楷體絶對乎合意大利體的定義(但日文的楷體明顯是手寫體,不是意大利體)。
「意大利體」 不是一個常用字,有空間改正對 italic 的理解。中文的 「斜體」 其實是誤譯;英文的意大利體(italics)和 「斜體」(oblique/slanted)是兩種不同的東西,在英文平面設計的角度,「斜體」 是指斜但沒有手寫的的行氣、沒有手寫體的結構(structure)的字體。
如果正確地理解 「斜體」 是指 slanted 而不是指 italic,傳統的英文排版也不會用斜體
a figure for this would be useful, since phototypesetting 斜体 is a distinct combination of scale, rotate and skew/shear to mimic the angled lens distortion while preserving the escapement and line height. This would be different from simply skewing the glyphs.
In the set of Noto fonts, the only script that has an italic font other than Latin is Tamil. Not sure why. @simoncozens do you have an insight? Is it to allow for the slanted letter forms that sometimes occur in Tamil fonts, or for application to short runs of text?
I'm not sure why it happened, to be honest; my involvement doesn't go back that far. I do know that Noto Serif Tamil was designed by "Indian Type Foundry and the Monotype Design Team" and Noto Serif Tamil Slanted was designed by "Indian Type Foundry, Tom Grace, and the Monotype Design Team", so it sounds like Tom Grace is the person to talk to.
Any update for this issue?