Hi, had similar issue (in my case local storage was used). I've managed to solve it by changing permissions on the container: ``` docker exec -it -u 0 helm-repository /bin/sh...
Hi, Some time ago I worked with JMeter+AMF and I had same problem. I made fork of steeltomato`s project and improve slightly UI. Among other changes I added two new...
I use it with JMeter 2.12. I also use flex libraries located here:
Hi, Did you copy any classes or jar files from your server to $JMETER/lib/ext directory? If not, then it might be your issue - Why are properties and objects missing...
Did you have similar errors during recording? Please, try - I have forked project to apply some fixes. There was also issue related to amf to xml conversion (Issue...
Please, find it here: You may try record again your script with this plugin. You can look at server if there are some exceptions after you run your script....
What is your recording configuration - do you have HTTP Request Defaults element? Check if it is correctly configured - hostname, port etc. Are you recording http or https? Can...
Please, list your additional jars that you are using now (with full names). I understand that you no longer encounter exception that you provided as your first post? It would...
My recommendation is to remove following jars: blazeds-common- blazeds-core- I think these also you can remove: flex-messaging-opt.jar flex-messaging-proxy.jar jmeter_amfsampler-1.0.3.jar - I don`t know what it is, but if you don`t...
Try with older version of jmeter. 2.11 or 2.12 Watch out for java 8, this also can make problems, try with jdk7.