jmeter-amf copied to clipboard
have deserialized AMF/HTTP request as response
Hi steeltomato! is it possible to have deserialized AMF/HTTP request as response? i want to store in a variable data, like this plugin does:
current situation:
if i put response into a variable in AMF request, it would be meaningless like:
text response representations does'nt have any structure and contains a lot of strange symbols, so it's extremly hard to find any data is it.
Some time ago I worked with JMeter+AMF and I had same problem. I made fork of steeltomato`s project and improve slightly UI. Among other changes I added two new views into View Results Tree:
- AMF - amf message is represented as xml (as in your example) and you can perform search (also with regex)
- AMF (XPath) - amf as xml with possibility to query by xpath
You may try plugin located here:
You also may try build project yourself:
thanks! but with your library (v1.5) i get errors like
WARN - jmeter.gui.action.Load: Missing jar file java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/jmeter/gui/util/JTextScrollPane
jmeter.protocol.amf.resources.AmfResourceManager: ERROR! Resource string not found: [amf_request] java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key amf_request
and a lot of others
does it have any additional requirements? i use jmeter 2.8. (`cause i was not able to record amf samplers with 2.12 & steeltomato libs v 1.4)
if i'm not mistaken, you just added additional views to view results tree. it's not an issue; i need to have deserialized AMF as response of AMF request/
I use it with JMeter 2.12. I also use flex libraries located here:
hi again! i'm trying to make my own plugin with Intellij Idea.
- i made project, placed steeltomato's plugin sources inside and it compiles, jmeter can be launched, BUT i can't see AMF samples in it(like custom sources are not compiled with other code).
- i did like it was said in steeltomato's instruction:
changed search_paths=
, and log shows INFO - jmeter.JMeter: Adding to classpath and loader: D:\Programming\JmeterSamplerReNamer\jmeter\out\production\protocol\org\apache\jmeter\protocol\amf
BUT i can't see AMF samples in it(like custom sources are not compiled with other code). is it nessesary to do dome other actions?
maciejfranek, steeltomato, you had to do it earlier, maybe you can help me again=)