Daniele De Gregorio
Daniele De Gregorio
Save issue here with [Tabler Icons Svelte](https://tabler.io/docs/icons/svelte), maybe for the same reason: big export in package.json file of that library. I can't figure out how to solve it browsing linked...
Hi @RuPingCen ! As far as the Saving problem is concerned, in the SkipListV2 class there is a "saveToFile" and "loadFromFile" functions. They are just for debug purposes, but you...
@Bzhnja hi! Maybe try to increase "camera_distance_max" from 3 to 10... maybe it's a FAR_CLIP_PLANE problem
@Bzhnja what's your RGB-D sensor? are you publishing DEPTH data by yourself or by means of the official driver?
@Razbotics the AgentHeight and GroundLevel are used only when computing 2D Map for a Mobile Robot. For the 3d map, as your scenario, are ineffective. Maybe try to set MinWeight...
@AmirCognitive if you see the ROS+RGBD example file in the ORB_SLAM2 package ([file](https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2/blob/master/Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM2/src/ros_rgbd.cc)) on row 112 there is the real "track" operation made with OrbSlam: ``` mpSLAM->TrackRGBD(cv_ptrRGB->image,cv_ptrD->image,cv_ptrRGB->header.stamp.toSec()); ``` This method...
@AmirCognitive SkiMap testing example explained in the README works if is there a TF ready to be used as sensor 6DOF pose. This code about ORBSLAM2 produces only the abovementioned...
yes, but this not resolve SEGMENTATION FAULT that is a bug in your code
"odom" is the base frame of you odometry system. The one always fixed in the space that is the parent for each of the "camera_pose" tfs
Sorry but unfortunately this is not a tutorial. Maybe you don't have a strong background about ROS and a generic SLAM system, so i can't help you, sorry. By the...