
Results 15 issues of m0wer

Is there a way of avoiding pydantic response model validation when using cache?

**Describe the bug** Kimai uses more decimals than shown in the bill for computing the total cost so for example, 0:50 minutes are converted to `0.833333...` which is used for...

technical debt

Current `docker-compose.yaml` from `master` is not working. Database fails with `LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction`. It would be nice to have a minimal working example....


It would be nice to automate the Docker image building process so users could only pull the built image instead of having to build it themsleves. This could be done...

Trying to debug the problem of getting all `NaN`'s from `random_forest_error` I found that the `g_eta_raw` array from https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/forest-confidence-interval/blob/bfb97c096287e74728132b8c7923590c2ad518e8/forestci/calibration.py#L101 contains all 0's and then the `g_eta_main` division throws the warning...

The error is: ``` InvalidPrivsError: unable to parse the MySQL grant string: GRANT USAGE ON entrypoint.sh TO `wallabag`@`%` IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '[OMMITED]' ``` Which appears to be related to https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/51356....

With two GPUs (RTX 2060 6GB + RTX 3090 24GB) and ollama 1.2.0 I get a OOM + ollama crash. In previous versions, it would have only tried to fit...


**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Full Traceback: ```python 2023-02-20 07:51:32 ERROR [235][None] main.unhandled_exception_handler:151 While responding to POST UNDISCLOSED: Can't send data when...


I have two GPUs: an RTX 3090 and a 2060. `ollama` tries to split the load among both, but due to communication speed between the cards being significantly slower than...


**Describe the bug** The dynamic strategy works, but the blocking one doesn't. It looks like the code tries to access `sablierNames` which is not set in Nginx, only `sablierGroup` is....

released on @beta