
Results 21 comments of m0wer

Apparently, a `fastapi.responses.JSONResponse` can be cached only with `fastapi_cache.coder.PickleCoder`.

> to be fair, i don't get it why you would run it in a container, this being a command line tool (jalso there are automatic binary relases) It's a...

This is probably because of #37.

Works fine in `master`/`latest` since the Alpine base image was upgraded to 3.10 (from 3.9) and in that branch of Alpine `ansible` is updated to 2.8 (instead of 2.7). So...

Hi @schmocker will you finish this PR or should I take over?

> Hi @m0wer, did you manage to find a workaround for this issue? I also ran into issues with `docker-compose.yaml` - the database starts for me but getting a password...

Not really. Since there's no option `uselist=False` for the relationship, you always get a list (so it's one-to-many) even if not possible (if you make the FK the PK).

Is there any workaround until the fix?

That worked! Thanks a lot @BruceMacD If it helps anyone, what I did was: ```gguf # /tmp/mixtral_less_gpu.gguf FROM mixtral:latest TEMPLATE """ [INST] {{ .System }} {{ .Prompt }} [/INST]""" PARAMETER...