Michael Clark

Results 26 issues of Michael Clark

Currently `n_factors` arg in `corr_heat` is ignored at the point of checking for problematic input for small K column data (e.g. more factors than data would warrant). ```r if (!plot_only)...

From 1.8-6 changelog: plot.gam now silently returns a list of plotting data, to help advanced users (Fabian Scheipl) to produce customized plot. Check to see if this changes or makes...

When there are multiple random effects, the list of plots is returned, but this has the undesirable side effect of returning `[[1]]` `[[2]]` to the console. An explicit loop over...

For non-symmetric matrices, shouldn't use lower.tri to determine color bar bounds.

- [ ] Make gam plot args more consistent across functions - [ ] Change viridis palettes to scico - [ ] Add functionality for categorical predictors to plot_gam -...

Especially in resources section. Known: - [ ] workshop.zip - [ ] limitSEM footnote in SEM chapter

Borked footnote for limitSEM (was missing caret). Fixed in Rmd but not published.

The parallel process depiction leaves out intercept/slope correlations that would probably be included in models. Also would be good to show the equivalence as multivariate random effect model via brms....

In factor analysis section, transpose W in X = ZW and perhaps introduce component score part in pca section to make link clearer.
