
Results 20 comments of lyenliang

I don't have access to the lambda functions, Dynamo DB, ... mentioned in Klayers Architecture. How can I contribute my layers to this project?


了解,我目前對 `AWS_HOST` 和 `Region` 初步想到的逻辑是这样子: ``` if AWS_HOST environment variable is defined: if AWS_HOST does not exist in config: write AWS_HOST to config set AWS_HOST as ${AWS_HOST} else: if AWS_HOST...

咦~ 可是 `AWS_HOST` 和 `Region` 都有预设值(分别是 `` 与 `us-east-1`),这个特性跟 `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` 不同,为什么说可以照 `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` 的逻辑写就好呢?

`- /excludeme` doesn't work, either. The `excludeme` folder still appears on the destination machine after running `` command.

> /home/ec2-user/rsync_folder/excludeme is not the same as /excludeme ? The full path of the `excludeme` folder is `/home/ec2-user/rsync_folder/excludeme`. There isn't a folder named `excludeme` under `/` path.

I just tried `- /home/ec2-user/rsync_folder/excludeme`. It doesn't work, either.

Let me describe more details of my problem: I placed `rsync-time-backup` under `/home/ec2-user/` folder. A file `exclude_list.txt` indicating what files to be excluded is placed under `/home/ec2-user/rsync-time-backup`. ``` $ tree...

The version of my `rsync` is `rsync version 3.1.2 protocol version 31`

@kapitainsky, May I know your `rsync`'s version?