Andrew Scheller

Results 1237 comments of Andrew Scheller

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...and expanding on this, I guess theoretically the issues here now ought to be moved to (assuming that that's where all new development on `raspi-config` now takes place).

That sed nastiness isn't necessary - you can achieve the same thing using `hostname -I`, as documented [here](

I'd also love to see this fixed somehow :slightly_smiling_face: [Thonny]( uses pyserial to [list]( serial ports, and this bug means that Thonny only shows `/dev/ttyAMA0` (which is connected to the...

Nice PIO example :slightly_smiling_face: Just a couple of queries: a) the comments talk about "IRQ4", but the code seems to be using relative IRQs? b) is there a reason for...

> Regarding IRQs: Sharing the IRQ did not work, so I used relative IRQs. I hope you don't mind, but I had a bit of a fiddle.... :wink: (I'm still...

When testing the changes that I mentioned above, I had three separate servos all running from a single trigger :) But I had to insert some sleeps between moving each...

@kilograham or @aallan Could you move this to please? The underlying cause is that is using the wrong image.

> The latest release of Asciidoctor PDF supports optimization out of the box using the -a optimize flag. Hmmmm... (testing this outside the Docker container, since that doesn't contain `gs`)...

Just as a data-point, using `-a optimize=screen` then creates a PDF of 1.6 MB, but unfortunately it reduces the quality of the images too much. > I think this container...