so glad to see your message ,this is my site created by your way : is it correct? and it's not show my articles .Could you help to see it?
the tags not works very well, I supposed.
it must be named '' for repo, Mine repo's name is "" ,Maybe the reason is this.Thank you .let me try it! ,fix the name ,but not work...
 my aasets was in already
fastclick.m.js mustache.min.js not in your repo..
yeah ,guys you are right .. I'm not goods at html ,js . Hope not too much js needed... Thank you very much
fixed .thank for you advice . but not the end ...hh . itorr2.js:289 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This...
well done! Thank you . I'am java coder . Nice to know you.
 fall in a hole....