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My articles not show correctly,show the source code ,why?
<span class="num"></span>
<span class="size">{{size}}</span>
<h3><a href="#/{{url}}">{{title}}</a></h3>
hey guy, this is your repo, right? Please create a new repo named like '' and push your file in master branch, then it will works.
so glad to see your message ,this is my site created by your way : is it correct? and it's not show my articles .Could you help to see it?
But i can't see you have a repo named ''. This project is just an example that the username is 'itorr' and he has an repo named ''.
it must be named '' for repo, Mine repo's name is "" ,Maybe the reason is this.Thank you .let me try it! ,fix the name ,but not work...
Please replace the static assets to your source cause you are using https. You can check the error in Chrome's 'inspect'.
my aasets was in already
Please check line 37 in index.html and line 109 in 'i/gitblog.js'.
fastclick.m.js mustache.min.js not in your repo..
I think download the js file and push to the repo is not so difficult to explain.
yeah ,guys you are right .. I'm not goods at html ,js . Hope not too much js needed... Thank you very much
You also need to change the index.html to
ssh:'[email protected]:luoyedaren/'
fixed .thank for you advice . but not the end ...hh . itorr2.js:289 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. blocked! how to fix it
我刚提了2个PR。 另外, 'x.js' 是坨坨肉的统计代码,直接去掉或者换成自己的就行了。 HTTPS下,所有资源默认都应该通过HTTPS加载。
well done! Thank you . I'am java coder . Nice to know you.
fall in a hole.... 这个需要加载一下这个静态文件 你可以放到自己的repo里用https来加载 可以加入这个QQ群 311084414