Luna Ruan

Results 7 issues of Luna Ruan

This PR implements transition tracing for offscreen trees. Specifically, it: * Schedules a Passive effect on Offscreen fibers that went from visible to hidden * Add a `removeSuspenseBoundaryFromSubtree` function that...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

Stacked Diff. Only look at [this commit]( --- When a child suspense boundary that was added during the transition is deleted is deleted: * Add `{type: 'suspense', name: boundaryName |...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

Stacked Diff. Only Look at [this commit]( --- When a tracing marker is deleted: * We add {type: 'marker', name: markerName, endTime: time} to the tracing marker's deletions array and...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

This PR adds the `onMarkerIncomplete` callback for tracing marker name changes. Specifically, this PR: * Adds the `onMarkerIncomplete` callback * When a tracing marker's name changes, call `onMarkerIncomplete` with the...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

Hey, I'm trying to use `jscodeshift` to create this pattern: ``` function HelloWorld({ name = 'luna' }) { ... } ``` The object property looks like the following when this...

Certain apps will intercept and override window methods to do things like logging. When the override functions aren't implemented correctly, however, it breaks DevTools because the DevTools backend shares the...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

In this RFC, we propose adding the Transition Tracing API to React. ### [View RFC](

CLA Signed
react core team