Luke Warlow

Results 101 issues of Luke Warlow

It would be nice if dot-object came with an ESM entrypoint as well as CJS.

This PR adds utilities for the [`scrollbar-gutter`]( CSS property. Currently only supported in Chromium >= 94. Firefox bug: (Looks to be [aiming to ship]( in version 97) WebKit bug:...

This PR adds utlities for the [`scrollbar-width`]( CSS property. Currently only implemented in Firefox. Chrome (in-progress) bug: Safari bug: The `scrollbar-none` class also works with Chrome and Safari...

### What type of issue is this? Incorrect support data (ex. Chrome says "86" but support was added in "40") ### What information was incorrect, unhelpful, or incomplete? Currently it's...

data:api :rabbit2:
needs triage 🔎

Just an idea but removing code that handles these dead browsers could result in a smaller project size helping to keep people's node modules folders as small as possible. The...

Autoprefixer should add a `::-webkit-details-marker` fallback for [`::marker`]( . This is because Safari currently only supports the `::marker` pseudo element with lists but not detail elements. Not sure on how...

Implement support for the [CSS Scrollbars]( specification's [`scrollbar-width`]( and [`scrollbar-color`]( properties.


This adds two variants for the [`scripting`]( media query. `noscript` for when JavaScript is disabled and `scripting` for when it's enabled.


[`:popover-open`]( is used to style elements with the [`popover`]( attribute when they're open. This is supported in Chromium 114, Safari 17, and Firefox 122.

[`transition-behavior` ]( is a new CSS property that allows you to transition on discrete properties. This is new in Chrome 117. See One major use case for this is...
