Luke Warlow

Results 130 issues of Luke Warlow

I've just realised Chromium has shipped a method on TrustedTypePolicyFactory that's not specced at all. The chromium IDL is `object? getTypeMapping(optional DOMString ns);` This is tested at Should this...


A WPT test (or subtest) should be added to test the elementNs parameter of getPropertyType

The current test suite duplicates some tests such as the one inside of `Element-outerHTML.html`, which is the top subtest within `block-string-assignment-to-Element-outerHTML.html` it would be good to squash these down so... - mentions this PR ( There's mismatches between what's in this spec and that spec PR. It would be good if that WebIDL spec PR could be updated with...

Currently components such as Dialogs can't be closed by platform specific close signals such as the back button / gesture on Android. Using the new CloseWatcher API [1][2] (where supported)...

This change introduces a new HostGetCodeForEval host hook, this is used to allow evaluating certain objects. This change also provides the compilation type and the original arguments, to the host...

normative change
needs consensus
needs test262 tests
pending stage 4

### WebKittens _No response_ ### Title of the spec HTML ### URL to the spec ### URL to the spec's repository _No response_ ### Issue Tracker URL _No response_...

topic: html
venue: WHATWG HTML Workstream

Fixes #113 See for the WICG proposal. See for HTML PR and for CSS PR (not a direct match for the WICG proposal) While this is currently...
