Luke Bakken

Results 316 comments of Luke Bakken

@quantumsheep have you actually seen `errDeliveryNotInitialized`? Is there a way to demonstrate it? If we're going to change one error, we may want to consider the other private ones: ```...

> What stops us from merging this PR? Reviewing and testing this PR is on my to-do list, but I have other work to finish first. @smallhive also, please read...

@mrkagelui this project is open-source. We would welcome a contribution that adds this feature. @mgdotson also suggested he would be willing to work on it.

OAuth2 support will ship in version `6.6.0` of the .NET client. I have released beta versions of the following if you'd like to test it out: * *

@kerojiang look at the output of your test - clearly the `TcpEchoClient` application can't connect to the server, probably because you have run out of available TCP ports. Are you...

@noxdafox - give this a try:

Also note that context is no longer used in publishing (#195, [discussion](

@fozboz makes sense to me. Feel free to open a PR

> What is holding it back from being merged? @sile, please be patient. Team RabbitMQ and @kjnilsson in particular are busy working on higher-priority work, some of which is for...

@maxim-badarau-m10 this issue is still open, so no, it has not been implemented. There is _no reason_ to ask if there are updates. If this is a critical feature, please...