Ludwig Zeller
Ludwig Zeller
Could there be an easy way to configure the way the txt files are configured, look and which fields they output? A templating system would do of course, but maybe...
Hi! I ran ``` python -ns -f "Promotion" /Users/ludwig/Library/Application\ Support/Mendeley\ Desktop/[email protected] output ``` and I get ``` =============================== 27/167 =============================== # : Processing folder: "Promotion/Projekte / Kolloquien/Kritische Artefakte/Bibliografie" Traceback...
The problem has been reported a number of times, is there a fix in sight? I am running the tool on a number of short and longer mp3 files up...
I am experiencing bad framerates on Quest 2. Back then when I tested on Quest 1 the framerate was also stuttering. I ran adb logcat -s VrApi while using the...
Is there any guidance, hook, or template for how to implement an audio codec like libopus in order to save bandwidth? I am using univoice in combination with Unity Relay...