Lucian Plesea
Lucian Plesea
You could use the [GDAL vsitar and vsizip]( facilities. Depending on the content of the tar/zip, unpacking the data first, using either external tools or python, might still be the...
@Cyan4973, thanks for your quick answer. Using the RGB 8bit test images from I'm using GDAL built with MRF using ZSTD. GDAL is a very common GIS library for...
The input is reorganized to single band since RGBA data always compresses worse. Matching sequences are not very common in natural images, not even at the 4-5 byte length. I...
Maybe storing the MRF as is, inside of a tar file is the solution. It doesn't invent a new format, and it could be made to work transparently in GDAL,...
See TODO: in mrf_band.cpp, use of isAllVal() in FetchBlock() [](url)
This issue creates unnecessary delays on opening an MRF located on a slow or remote virtual storage.
You mean TIFF/WEBP, right?
Doesn't sound like there is enough to keep both. Are you using any of these? The mrf_read_index is another one, you can do the same thing with "od".
That would be good. Maybe the mrf_read_index could be eliminated too, since it's not that useful? Or have it merged into