Lucas Walter

Results 42 comments of Lucas Walter

> Also in the documentation maybe a clarification is needed that only lower than urdf limits are enforced. I updated the wiki to remove the ambiguity: Does that look...

Made some cleanup and existing tests pass. A new test that launches a node with required=true then forces it to exit non-zero, then inspects roslaunch exit code is the next...

Added a unit test, can run manually with ``` catkin run_tests rostest test_roslaunch roslaunch.test ```

Can the `requires-changes` label be removed if there are no more changes needed?

Is there anything wrong with providing the capability, if by default it is disabled? Further on there could be a valid pixel latched image topic that only updates when needed...

I have a camera that I plan to have publish a window/roi most of the time, but want an interactive way for users (maybe at the level of trained technicians)...

Unless I'm missing something this is solved by the `fill_upsampling_holes` param from #363

The image_raw could have color information in it but in a bayer pattern, then it would be processed (by image_proc) to interpolate pixel values into rgb/bgr format. That converted color...

I had low depth registered output rate issues but it was due to low target camera_info input rates combined with an approximate sync policy in the register node- I think...

Try setting `fill_upsampling_holes` to true.