magic-link copied to clipboard
Generate, send and validate a magic link.
For deploy project on cloud, I think could be use Heroku. For this, could be use docker containers or Procfile to config instances of worker and web. If chose use...
Adding Links, Contributing and starting the Getting Started #1
[Poetry]( is a dependency manager. Poetry allows the same development environment for all developers and organizing the project on a ```pyproject.toml``` file, following the "Python standards" PEP-517 and PEP-518. After...
Python virtual environment allows with one command the use of the same interpreters and packages by all devs
## Changes - Organizing the project as a Python project; - Using Poetry as a package manager; - Include ```.vscode/``` in ```.gitignore```. ## How to run the FastAPI app: ```...
Adding commits guideline, fastAPI introduction and project overview to the README.