magic-link copied to clipboard
Generate, send and validate a magic link.
Magic Link
This is the second edition of #umaStackQueNaoDomino. Python Edition. The project offer API to generate, send and validate a magic link.
What's a Magic Link
Magic Link is kind of an authenticated URL, which you send to the consumer in form of SMS/email that helps them to log in to the system with just one click of the link without any human interaction (no need for the user to enter username+password). Description Source
First things first
You need to have pip (of course).
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
which python
pip install -r requirements.txt
How to Run
Running FastAPI
uvicorn main:app --reload
Running Redis Server
Consume Queue
rq worker send_magic_links
On this project we store validated magic links into Firebase Firestore, please check the oficial quick start documentation in order to setup your project and export the serviceAccountKey.json