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Find fediverse addresses in the profiles of your Twitter followings
The data saved at Wikidata could be used to find mastodon accounts: https://w.wiki/6KkS
Fedifinder does a great job of listing the fedi equivalents of accounts you follow and those you have in lists, but doesn’t seem to include the list of accounts you...
Source: https://twitter.com/TwitterDev/status/1621026986784337922
Subject TL;DR. Would be a nice-to-have feature I think. The idea boils down to also adding in app or API level access to your Mastodon account and compare the follows...
Follow buttons for some of Mastodon servers (e.g. https://mastodon.ie or https://toot.lv) do not work. These follow button links contain text "`[object Object]`" instead of the actual Mastodon URI to follow...
You're currently not picking up the handle in Sarah Taber's bio (crop scientist w/106.5K followers): https://twitter.com/SarahTaber_bww Presumably has something to do with the trailing semicolon she uses as a delimiter?...
It would be interesting if Fedifinder showed prominent stats on the number of Twitter accounts you follow with a detected fediverse handle as a percentage, like "32% of your follows...
Revoking on Twitter sometimes doesn't work. Oauth2 allows remote revokation. https://vis.social/@Blubberbub/109539022906683126
Eg. spacekaren.sucks redirects to profiles, but does not match a known pattern. It should be followed and the target URL tested as a possible fediverse profile. https://sporadically.social/@jordan/109525435150754480