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some Follow buttons do not work
Follow buttons for some of Mastodon servers (e.g. https://mastodon.ie or https://toot.lv) do not work.
These follow button links contain text "[object Object]
" instead of the actual Mastodon URI to follow – like in this URL:
It seems that the appearance of the domain name [object%20Object]
in Follow buttons is not entirely based on the name of the Mastodon server - some users from a server may have a correct URL while other users from the same server have broken URLs.
To me, it looks like this only happens if the account to be followed is on the same instance as the one to be followed from (one self).
To me, it looks like this only happens if the account to be followed is on the same instance as the one to be followed from (one self).
For me the problem appears for accounts from at least 7 different instances.
Also, quite often only a part of accounts from any given server will have this issue (e.g. the start of the account list is fine but the rest have broken links).
P.S. Here is an experimental workaround I wrote that processes a saved Fedifinder HTML file and fixes these issues: https://gist.github.com/CaptSolo/54bea0df4599882b40814e2635c931e3