Hi, we are also interested in this feature. We would like to embed predefined charts into out webapp. We can capture chart definition json from pivot `register` request (`{"essence":{"dataCube":"db", ...`)....
Injecting MainView into UI is failing with error: `javax.enterprise.context.ContextNotActiveException: WebBeans context with scope type annotation @ViewScoped does not exist within current thread` MyUI: ``` @CDIUI("") @Push public class MyUI extends...
The code crashes before entering MyUi.init() method, probably on injecting MainView into MyUI. So ... how to make it work ?
I have the same fluctuations (8x GTX 1080 Ti). Don't know why.
I have switched to NHML and I have enabled only single algo (according to WhatToMine, Equihash, with excavator). The profit curve is more stable, without high peaks and deep...