Loren Segal

Results 145 comments of Loren Segal

> WDYT about an approach that invalidates from the registry upon loading all the objects that were built using files that have changes? To this I would generally say: loading...

The general approach here would be the same as the case where you have a `*args` or `**kwargs` method-- you would use `@overload` to define a synthesized method signature: ```ruby...

YARD should probably not crash, but this is invalid Ruby; you can't have cyclic includes anyway: ``` lib/one:10:in `append_features': cyclic include detected (ArgumentError) from lib/one.rb:10:in `include' from lib/one.rb:10:in `' from...

YARD passes all markup to the markdown (or markup) processing library on your system. This is likely a configuration issue. Note that YARD does not use markdown processing by default...

`--list-undoc` is not supported in `yard doc`. That option is part of [`yard stats`](https://github.com/lsegal/yard/blob/359006641260eef1fe6d28f5c43c7c98d40f257d/lib/yard/cli/stats.rb#L200-L202). The command above worked due to internal behavior, but it is considered undefined behavior to use...

> And this worked! Is this the canonical way to do this? (At least for a template. I'm guessing it would be different if I wanted to make a yard...

> So a plugin would open that namespace and add methods to it? Yep. Adding custom markup formats works the same way.

> And format is only extracted via !!!LANGNAME notation, not via Markdown code block notation: Nope, both work, `!!!LANGNAME` is just a syntax to support indented blocks in RDoc formatting,...

> The HTML that YARD parses is having code blocks that are plain `...` It would be a requirement for the Markdown processor library you're using to generate language-aware fenced...

Markdown files (.md) already use the markdown parser regardless of what is selected as the markup type; that said, yard doc options don't directly support changing the markup library provider...