Loren Segal

Results 150 comments of Loren Segal

This seems to _add_ a typo. As a sidenote, please add a more descriptive commit message than a single word. "Fixed a typo" is sufficient, but "typo" is not.

Do you have any conflicting shortcuts?

I would suggest restarting. If there was a conflicting shortcut that would definitely explain the issue.

Seems like an environment or Atom issue. You can print `process.env.PATH.split(":")` from the debugger console to see what Atom thinks is in your path-- if the pandoc directory is not...

Patches accepted, but note that this will be an issue with almost every Atom plugin you want to use if it needs to interact with executables in your environment (go-plus,...

Seems like a duplicate of #15? If not, can you update the title to be more specific?

> which first disables option to select anything within the package area. Then for the pre area it enables the option to select the generated output. I don't see why...

@netsi1964 it seems like you may also want to be able to copy the "Exited with code=0 ..." in certain cases, though. Maybe that should also be copyable? Maybe rather...