Lasse R.H. Nielsen

Results 772 comments of Lasse R.H. Nielsen

Not sure closing is the right thing to do. When HTTP/3 becomes a stable standard, we will most likely have to implement it. We are just not going to be...

Migrating a part of `dart:io` to, say, `dart:net` and exporting that from `dart:io` is definitely a possibility. That won't solve the problem because you still can't use `dart:io` without having...

I don't believe there is any such *document*, it's just API design choices that are either internally inconsistent, or that are not following patterns that have become de-facto standard for...

I do want a feature like this. It enables gradual migration of new, breaking, language features.

If you just want to implement an entire API twice, without forwarding from stubs, you can use conditional *exports*. ```dart library platform_dependent_html; export "stubbed_out_html.dart" if (dart.library.html) "html.dart"; ``` Then you...

It's probably a good idea to have such links, so it's fine with me.

The syntax is general markdown/commonmark, not something unique to Dart or DartDoc. It's [traditional]( to use the first word of the info string as the language tag, and allow more...

I'd leave this decision to the tool authors. If DartDoc, the analyzer, and the analysis server (which sends diagnostics to IDEs) think they can provide a better user experience by...

Another approach to getting a list of members would be a *source* mirror like system, or maybe just a way for the analyzer to dump the APIs of selected classes...

@gmpassos Neither approach can actually get the runtime type parameter of a `List`. The getter requires the ability to add real instance methods to the class, and you can't add...