Leo Singer

Results 74 issues of Leo Singer

This behaves exactly the same as the `vectorize` option from `emcee.EnsembleSampler`.

LSC/Virgo is conducting a security review of its low-latency alert pipeline, and has recommended that we add some message authentication to our GCN notices. Is there any chance of the...

Wishlist Features

See architect/package#154. ## Thank you for helping out! ✨ ### We really appreciate your commitment to improving Architect To maintain a high standard of quality in our releases, before merging...

libcurl is used to request the OIDC token endpoint, but libcurl's SSL settings are not configured by librdkafka. Description =========== The `ssl.ca.location` setting in particular is important because the system...

Description =========== The consumer hangs without ever calling `oauth_cb` if, after creating a consumer, one immediately calls `list_topics`. Inserting `poll(0)` seems to fix it. This might be a duplicate of...

Docstring in gwpy/timeseries/core.py: Read data into a `TimeSeries` Arguments and keywords depend on the output format, see the online documentation for full details for each format, the parameters below are...


I appreciate gwpy's lovely and convenient builtin visualization capabilities. However I was recently shocked to find out that importing gwpy hijacks the Matplotlib axes class and makes a whole bunch...


### Description It's useful to be able to introspect the return units of models. There is a `return_units` property that is part of the public Model class API, but most...


The documentation for `spacey.irbempy.get_AEP8` implies that it accepts and is vectorized for a Numpy array of coordinates. However, it is not. If it is passed a coordinate array, it still...


I have one Celery task that directly calls another, but as a function, not as a task. The first task is auto-retried for a certain set of exceptions, and the...

Status: Backlog
Integration: Celery