
Results 16 comments of LowesYang



Has this bug solved? Can life be used in production env?

嗯,组件里确实缺少当src变化的时候重新调用load方法。可以先采用主动调用的方式。 最近比较忙,会尽快push最新的版本。


Sorry for delay. Thanks and good advice! Maybe you can use `throttle` or `debounce` to relieve the problems temporarily, and I'll enhance the project as soon as i can in...

Sorry for delay replying. I've no time to consider to enhance the project recently. It's the best if you can open a pr. I'll appreciate it. : )

Dup with #258 . I heard from @sportshark in #258 that this WeChat public channel account is run free of charge, but in this issue it proposes a budget. Considering...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10328169/36734447-80548820-1c0e-11e8-809f-bf2234b41fae.png) @jiyuxuan1944 So that's what @sportshark said "running free of charge"? Application is free for sure, the cost obviously comes from the operation, which is the same as most kinds...