I have downloaded brushes redux and when I draw my lines are surrounded with black zig zags. How to get rid of these? Please.
jclark- Do you find out why the jagged lines are happening? I am having the same problem. Thanks.
I have a new iPad Air and am using the Redux version. It is great to have access to it although it is annoying with the black parallel lines. It...
I find that after I draw something with Brushes Redux and press transform, the black lines disappear.
Yes, I am using the new iPad air 2, too.
iPad Air 2 was recently released. Sent from my iPad > On Nov 5, 2014, at 9:30 AM, marihilda [email protected] wrote: > > When looking at versions of the iPad...
I am happy to help, too. It's difficult to draw when you have black zig zags following you. 😩 Thank you.
[email protected] Sent from my iPad > On Nov 5, 2014, at 12:50 PM, tougher [email protected] wrote: > > I need your email addresses to add you as beta testers. It...
Not sure if you saw my post but I am able to draw with the jagged black lines if I first fill my "page" with a color or just white.
I have downloaded the new Brushes Redux but it still shows the lines. I downloaded the Brushes Test and that works fine. FYI with Brushes Redux, if you touch transform...