Lorenzo Tabacchini
Lorenzo Tabacchini
One of the things that often annoy me in Haskell is that record construction is not a first-class element. For example, imagine this simple record construction: `john = Person {...
Since we have an isomorphism between HLists and records, if we expose the `List` type we can easily implement a `downcast` function to extend records with an HList. However, since...
The `Sequential` class doesn't have a method to split a collection on a specific element (`f c = splitOn (== c)`). This function is called `splitOn` in Data.Text and `split`...
When deriving `FromJSON` instances generically, there is no way to provide a default value to a missing field of a record if the field is not a `Maybe`. This seems...
Exclude buggy minor GHC versions, include the most recent versions, evaluate alternatives to Travis.
Currently the decoding functions like `fromJsonAnyVersion` work by trying to decode at each version until the first one succeeds. This is convenient as a default strategy because of its simplicity....
The short tutorial in the README should be included as Haddock documentation in `versioning.cabal`.
We should provide a way to upgrade effectfully. The use cases that come to my mind are reading the default values from a database, keeping some state or logging/monitoring. I...
Sometimes the `Adapt` instances are completely mechanical. For example all the fields whose type did not change are just copied, new `Maybe` fields are set to `Nothing`, new strings are...
Really amazing library! The only feature that is missing for me is support for the other two comment syntaxes. From the Chez Scheme documentation at https://scheme.com/tspl4/intro.html#./intro:h1 > Block comments are...