Lorenzo Tabacchini
Lorenzo Tabacchini
I like your idea. As you say, if we require the missing fields to be provided in order, we may not even need to expose an HList type. Since the...
I think users should be free to provide the fields in any order, otherwise this feature would not be useful enough. But this would make type inference hard. One idea...
Maybe my `field` function should be renamed to something less ambiguous :) The open/close idea is cool. I thought this kind of polymorphic update was already possible, but a quick...
Probably related, I got a "BUG: result with unknown type oid: Oid 23" even though I am using `INTEGER`s (which have oid 20). The only explanation I can come up...
Oops, forget what I said in my previous comment. I mixed up `INTEGER` and `BIGINT`.
It is unrelated to aggregation. The problem is that `INTEGER` is not supported by `selda-postgresql` (at least on my computer, I don't know if oids can vary on other environments),...
This would be very useful! Are you planning to implement it soon? Otherwise I can give it a try.
Yes, I mean a function with the `Eq (Element col)` constraint to split on a specific element instead of a predicate. I think this is common enough to be worth...
One idea could be to have a `Uncurryable{N}` class for uncurrying. Not sure whether generalizing currying into a `Curryable{N}` class makes sense.
@tolysz Thanks. It seems that your proposal could fix this issue. However I am not sure it is a good idea to modify `Value`. Since the problem is specific to...