Lorenz Brun

Results 48 issues of Lorenz Brun

This adds UEFI as an OS. It specifies pretty much everything in order to qualify for an OS (ABI, entrypoint, standard interfaces) and there are compiler targets for it (for...

When using SPI1 the PB3 pin which is mapped to SCK doesn't work by default because in the default configuration of the `MAPR` register that pin is mapped to TRACESWO....

I want to use Rust and therefore `raft-rs` as a consensus algorithm for some distributed management systems. The readme says that is currently not designed for production use and log...

help wanted

Linux added a new bond transmit hashing policy, VLAN_SRCMAC in [1], available since Linux 5.12. Add this hashing policy into the respective data structures. [1] https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/7b8fc0103bb51d1d3e1fb5fd67958612e709f883

Requires https://github.com/bazelbuild/platforms/pull/76

Currently the parsing of credential data is wrapped up within UmarshalJSON, which is inconvenient if one uses a binary encoding (I use gRPC/Protobuf) to communicate with the client. The Webauthn...

Trackmania Forever detects only 128MiB of VRAM (see Configuration -> Advanced on the top right). The GPU physically has 4GiB. This causes Trackmania to use very low-quality textures. This is...

Sometimes (for example in https://review.monogon.dev/c/monogon/+/2784) we need to update (or in cases of immutable fields) replace Monogon-managed resources to apply fixes. This issue is for non-version-critical fixes, separate from #272....


For updating cleanly we need a system which tracks the minimum version of either the entire control plane or certain control plane components. For example for K8s 1.25+ we need...


Currently the supervisor logs runnable restarts into its own `supervisor` DN. This hides runnable restarts from DN-filtered logs, potentially confusing people who look at the logs as a lot of...
