Vincent Lopes-Vicente
Vincent Lopes-Vicente
On back office list of object (categories, products...) when we update position of an object the pagination is not kept we are always redirected to first page.
If product loop is set to complex no one promo prices are returned. Missing price are : - $BEST_PROMO_PRICE - $BEST_PROMO_PRICE_TAX - $BEST_TAXED_PROMO_PRICE If current_version.sql is missing $index equal false and the update try to execute all the sql files from the start.
This is related to this issue #778 (and related PR) when the option "strictly use current language translation" is selected and an item has only one translation for example 'en_US'...
When we do update by composer the api keys in folder local/config/key are deleted
In backoffice customer edition page the lastname and firstname is not displayed for the default address. It's a problem because a customer can define a different name on this account...
Thelia 2.1.2 If one_domain_foreach_lang is enable when we change the lang and have a rewrited url like "" the end of url is lost, only the lang url is kept....
In thelia-project readme there is no info on how to update a thelia-project, and it can't be done like a "normal" thelia