Loni Tra
Loni Tra
- Convert `GetBitmapBits`,`GetBkColor`,`GetBkMode`,`GetBrushOrgEx`,`GetClipBox`,`GetClipRgn`,`GetCurrentObject`,`GetDeviceCaps`, `GetDIBits`,`GetMapMode`,`GetNearestColor`,`GetObjectType`,`GetRegionData`,`GetRgnBox`,`GetROP2`,`GetStockObject`, `GetSystemPaletteEntries`,`GetTextAlign`,`GetTextColor`,`GetTextExtentPoint32W`,`GetTextMetrics`,`GetViewportExtEx`, `GetViewportOrgEx`,`GetWorldTransform`,`StretchDIBits`,`GetObject`,`GetPaletteEntries`,`GetTextExtendPoint32W` - Move `SelectPaletteScope` to PInvoke folder - Add `IHandle` to `HDC` - `Control.MetafileDCWrapper.cs`: Change initialization of `BITMAPINFO` used in calls `GetDIBits` and `StretchDIBits`. Cswin32...
In the effort to start using CsWin32 (#7445), there may be APIs we'd like changed or added in cswin32 due to missing typedefs, conveniency, etc. This is a tracking issue...
converted various comctl32 enums to use cswin32's version of the enum or as cswin32 constants ###### Microsoft Reviewers: [Open in CodeFlow](https://portal.fabricbot.ms/api/codeflow?pullrequest=https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/pull/7912)
Tracking issue to migrate our pipeline to 1ES standard pipeline template.
Currently when grabbing items off the clipboard via [Clipboard.GetData](https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/blob/main/src/System.Windows.Forms/src/System/Windows/Forms/OLE/Clipboard.cs#L207) we give back type `object`. It would be good to add typed methods to allow users to express that they are...
Related: #8294 This is another area we are lacking as we do not have any [MFC ActiveX](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/mfc/mfc-activex-controls?view=msvc-170) test coverage. Any help here is appreciated! As a first step an MFC...
Related: https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/issues/11368 This is a start to support JSON serialization in OLE scenarios. `JsonData`: This is our wrapper class that holds the JSON serialized data along with the original type...
DataSets may be impacted by BinaryFormatter. We need to investigate serialization/deserialization flow for DataSets, understand what impact BinaryFormatter might have, and determine next steps from there.
### Description In .NET 9 Preview 2, WinForms moved to avoid WinForms threads always registering with existing IMsoComponentManager instances. This now is an opt in behavior if developers need existing...
Currently we need to manually port any new documentation to the dotnet-api-docs repo when it comes time to documenting new APIs that have been added in the release cycle. We...