Dave Long

Results 9 issues of Dave Long

## The Problem/Issue/Bug: When using SimpleSAMLphp inside a ddev project with nginx, it crashes because it cannot find the `$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']` variable, which is expected to be set. This is documented...

In the Drupal project we are using Mink to drive emulated web browsers and perform assertions against web content. Mink throws its own exception when an assertion fails, and by...


The recently added label whitelist/blacklist feature has an annoying bug: if you whitelist a label but forget to add that label when you first open the PR, adding the label...


Previously in Drupal we used `responseHeaderEquals()` to check for the non-existence of a header by looking for NULL: ``` $this->assertSession()->responseHeaderEquals('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', NULL); ``` Since Mink 1.11 this no longer works as...

If I manually modify a DOM document and add an entity reference, `HTML5::saveHTML()` does not give the same result as `DOMDocument::saveHTML()`: ``` $html5 = new Masterminds\HTML5(['disable_html_ns' => TRUE]); $dom =...

### Terraform CLI and Provider Versions Terraform v1.3.4 on linux_amd64 + provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws v3.70.0 + provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/dns v3.2.1 ### Use Cases or Problem Statement I use the `dns_a_record_set` data source...


In https://github.com/danilop/yas3fs/commit/32fe47282a49f6e5085d9e02541b1be5a58bd770 a quite significant change was made to the FUSE setup call. This setting apparently means that `chmod` on yas3fs mounted directories and files now returns EPERM instead of...

This was previously reported in #75 but closed as outdated, however it is still an issue. When certain caches are cold or stale, it is possible for them to be...

A fresh install of dorgflow installs symfony/console 5.0.0 which then throws a fatal error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of "Dorgflow\Command\LocalSetup::execute()" must be of the type int, NULL...