try again i update last version
i see in local you have to use server or add -allow-file-access-from-files to your chrome shortcut
Hi doc is example licence is MIT
yes you can find info and build here Zentropivity build version 3 https://github.com/kripken/ammo.js/pull/366 code is near same ( but little problem to clear tri mesh or terrain memory )
yes why not for the moment there is no key input but is possible for the moment is like slide { step:1 }
is a test is not include in Oimo.js compilation
hello you should start with new oimo of saharan i have to update this version but i'm from flash action script and typed language makes me sick ;)
Hello, yes it's planned for fps demo. for .obj why not, is easy to add in lab. but you can use sea3d studio to convert your .obj to .sea and...
well i have some work project now so count 1 or 2 mouths but for now you can look my recent work on instance https://lo-th.github.io/lab/index_terrain.html and on building shader http://lo-th.github.io/root/interiorMapping2/index.html...
is on way, must not be in a hurry man