+1 for this suggestion ! that would be great !
Hi, I'm having the same issue as @KimCarolyn2023 when creating a simple segment on a Matomo Cloud site (Acquisition Channel = search). _WARNING: /libs/Zend/Db/Statement/Pdo.php(229): Warning - Array to string conversion...
Hi @snake14 . Thanks for you're feedback. Sorry I wasn't mentioned clearly enough on my post ; It was on Matomo Cloud. So I don't really know which version number...
Ok, It says 4.12. So I as I reproduced it with the steps described in my first post, I would say the issue is still here.
Hi @snake14 Just tried again. And reproduced. I also tried another type of Variable (Datalayer variable) and experienced the same issue.
Hi @snake14 As I was saying before. I'm on the Cloud Version - 4.12 And I don't see a "System Check" option in the Diagnostic section... 
Hi Greg. Thanks a lot for this description. I'm facing the same issue at the moment. I've seen in your comment on Simo's blog that you managed to solve the...
+1 with @kava81 !