Lorenzo Moneta
Lorenzo Moneta
As shown in the code attached in https://root-forum.cern.ch/t/error-on-fitresult-scan/51014 one cannot use FitResult::Scan when the Fitter class has been deleted.
As reported in https://root-forum.cern.ch/t/chi-square-definition-in-root/51083/3, the reported chi-square from `TF1::GetChisquare` and from `FitResult` is not correct. A Neyman chi-square is computed but using also the empty bins. See https://github.com/root-project/root/blob/master/math/mathcore/src/FitResult.cxx#L183 We should...
Create a new type of merging, a special case when the histogram has an axis with label and the other axis is numeric and different but compatible. A new test...
This PR fixes #10382
The sum of weight, weight square and weigth * x used for statistics computation where not update when adding/merging THnBase classes. This fixes #11333
This PR fixes for #11304 The code handling the fitting option is improved separting better options for graphs and for histograms
In the FitFCN/SetFCN functions use a flag for the fit type instead of passing a boolean for the chi2 fit. The flag is by default 0 (undefined type), but can...
# This Pull request: This PR is continuing #13457 by Ahmat and it is based on https://github.com/root-project/root/pull/12941 and [Dynamic-Op](https://github.com/root-project/root/compare/master...Neel-Shah-29:root-1:Dynamic-Op) both by Neel Shah # Changes of Fixes - Introduce intermediate...
This PR improve the search for contour points when contour touches the parameter limits. Improve also debugging and simplify the case when all parameters are fixed