Lluís Revilla

Results 117 comments of Lluís Revilla

Investigating a bit more it seems that this location field is only present if you use enterprise access: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/enterprise/enrichments/overview/profile-geo This requires more a special function to handle the format of...

Both CRAN version 0.7.0 and devel version use the same endpoint so it is expected that both show the same behavior. The only solution I know is the one provided...

Finally had time to look this in detail. The rate_limit endpoint seems it will disappear according to [the roadmap](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/migrate/twitter-api-endpoint-map) on API v2 and only [the headers](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/rate-limits#headers-and-codes) will be used to...

I was digging a bit more and current version already uses the headers to handle the rate limits (via the internal handle_rate_limit). I'm not sure if in the V2 it...

About [Bioconductor's style](https://contributions.bioconductor.org/r-code.html#coding-style) mentioned in the blog (and with an open issue at #43), there is already a package which provides an approximation to the [Bioconductor style](https://lcolladotor.github.io/biocthis/reference/bioc_style.html) using lintr. But...

I'll darft a PR. However I think it would be better if this is make more transparent on the R/CRAN level (not sure where to raise the issue).

Indeed, I tried a couple of weeks ago to update the PR with the [values used by CRAN](https://svn.r-project.org/R-dev-web/trunk/CRAN/QA/) but it is not as simple as just reading a file.

Not sure if this is what you had in mind: > The problem is that r_version would be used by check_with_bioc_release() to select the proper platform by OS (r-devel vs...

Related to this, there have been a discussion recently about installing Bioconductor packages from source and binaries that might be relevant (not sure if here or an independent issue) See...

Sorry, forgot to report more information. This is the test: ```r test_that("get_user multiple ids", { skip_on_cran() expect_snapshot({ use_key() }) vcr::use_cassette("get_user2", { gu