Lluís Revilla

Results 117 comments of Lluís Revilla

Thanks for the head up. As it is with API v2 it will need to wait till release rtweet > 1.0.0 as next release is to prepare for API v2.

Not necessarily out of scope, I think it might be useful to support it. Certainly it is not about collect and organize Twitter data but it is about Twitter API....

Hi, Thanks for the report. I see the rtweet version you are using is not one I released, as I never upgraded rtweet to 1.0.4. Is that a typo or...

You don't need to store the downloaded tweets (you could if you specify `parse = FALSE`), I need to know which are the tweets that fail to parse. That's why...

Sorry, I cannot reproduce the problem. I didn't find a tweet by id 15426138. I didn't have a problem with rtweet to parse the user with the id 15426138. Searching...

I need to know the id_str of the tweets that are causing problems, without that even if you provide the traceback and the session info I won't be able to...

Hi,now that you have the list with the output, could you update the file here so that I can try to solve this bug? That the output is simplified to...

Thanks for providing the data. I'm not able to trigger the same error with the data provided, I think there is a problem with the serialization to json that is...

Now I can reproduce the error with the matsue01.RDS file. Thanks for providing the data. Apparently some tweets have a derived field which has a location field (which is a...

Indeed the premium argument is not working properly (as it is not used in the internal function). I'll fix that too.